Has something every gone so fast that you haven't even realized it was moving? That is how time has been for me lately. I have been so crazy busy that I barley have time to breath; however, I can't say that I don't like it. I think that I have come to realize that I thrive on being busy. If I have nothing to do, I feel like I am being lazy.
Anyways... Allot has happened since I have last been here.
First, I am in the most insane semester of my college career, and I have to say that I AM learning. For instance, I am not going to college to be a babysitter (i.e. work in an infant/toddler setting), and though I adore the pre-schoolers that I get to spend this semester with, I am pretty sure I don't want to continue to do bathroom checks/reminders.
Next, it was homecoming weekend here at ASU, and my in-laws graced us with a visit. We did some shopping, tailgating, eating. It was great. Though out team got their bottoms handed to them on a silver platter its always nice to see family.
So, God and me have been talking quite a bit lately... I struggle allot with with being a control freak. I like to know what is going on, to have my hand in it, and better yet have the final say. This is not something I am proud of, and I have been trying to work on it. It is so amazing to me all of the different ways God shows his love and grace. He is stronger than anything I can face, and when I hand over the steering wheel, we will make it. The journey may not always be smooth, but He will never let me (or you) go if I only let Him carry me.